Carbon fiber materials for Orthotics and Prosthetics are textile, braideed sleeves and band to realize lamination of socket and orthesis. Certainly for applications where more than one fiber orientation is required, a fabric combining 0° and 90° fiber orientations is useful. Woven fabrics are produced by the interlacing of warp (0°) fibres and weft (90°) fibres in a regular pattern or weave style. The fabric’s integrity is maintained by the mechanical interlocking of the fibres. Drape (the ability of a fabric to conform to a complex surface), surface smoothness and stability of a fabric are controlled primarily by the weave style. Pre-preg is a term for “pre-impregnated” composite fibers where a matrix material, such as epoxy, is already present. The fibers often take the form of a weave and the matrix is used to bond them together and to other components during manufacture. The matrix is only partially cured to allow easy handling; this is called B-Stage material and requires cold storage to prevent complete curing. B-Stage pre-preg is always stored in cooled areas since heat accelerates complete polymerization. Hence, composite structures built of pre-pregs will mostly require an oven or autoclave to cure.

Mechanical Properties of T300 3K

Tensile Strenght [MPa] 360
Tensile Modulus [MPa] 23.5
Elongation at break [%] 1.50
Density [g/cm3] 1.76
Yeld [tex] 198
Specific Heat [cal/g °C] 0,19
Volume Resistivity [ohm cm] 1.7×10-3

Carbon fiber braided sleeves



8.001.01.D25 25 mm
8.001.01.D60 60 mm – 35 g/mq
8.001.01.D80 80mm – 45 g/mq
8.001.01.D95 95 mm – 49 g/mq
8.001.01.D100 100 mm – 122 g/mq
8.001.01.D130 130 mm – 160 g/mq
8.001.01.D180 180 mm – 205 g/mq
8.001.01.D200 200 mm – 205 g/mq

Carbon Fiber Textile



8.001.02.C201 Textile C201
8.001.02.C206 Textile C206

Carbon Fiber Textile C206 Properties

Typical Value Standard
Weight 200±4% UNI EN 12127
Thickness [μm] 450±15% UNI EN ISO 5084

Counts [threads/cm]

Typical Value Standard
Warp 1.25±0.3 UNI EN 1049-2
Weft 1.25±0.3 UNI EN 1049-2

Carbon Fiber Textile C201 Properties

Typical Value Standard
Weight 194±4% UNI EN 12127
Thickness [μm] 250±15% UNI EN ISO 5084

Counts [threads/cm]

Typical Value Standard
Warp 4.90±0.3 UNI EN 1049-2
Weft 4.90±0.3 UNI EN 1049-2

Carbon Fiber BAND

Code 8.001.03.BCF50


Description TCU 420 H50 TCU 420 H 100

PREPREG is a big advantage for the production because is possible to have the same ratio/percentage between resin and fibers in the prepreg, easy to laminate, and more efficient control of the properties of the composite reliability and homogeneity of the laminate and process repeatability.



8.001.02.M30SC Texipreg unidir M30SC-200-DT120-36EF H 600 mm
8.001.02.PC202 Prepreg CC202 ET223
8.001.02.PC206 Prepreg CC206 ER440
8.001.02.PCBX400 Prepreg CBX400
8.001.02.PCBX600 Prepreg CBX600
8.001.02.PCHS180 Texipreg unidir. HS 180 prepreg H 600 mm
8.001.02.S2540 Texipreg unidir S2 540 g/m
Code: 8.001.02.PC206


Weave Style Twill 2×2
Fiber Orientation 0° / 90°
Width 1 m
Warp Fiber High strength carbon T700 12K –
8000 dtex (or equivalent)
Weft Fibe High strength carbon T700 12K –
8000 dtex (or equivalent)

PREPREG CBX Textile (± 45°) Properties

Code 8.001.02.
Material 100% carbon 100% carbon
Total weight [g/m2] 400 600
Material 1270  1270
Dry thickness [mm] 0,45±15% 0,6±15%
Weight [g/m2] 200 300
Fiber type Carbon 12K
T700 FC50C
Compatible with
epoxy and
polyester resin