Plaster is gypsum to realize stump positive model after chalk cast on the stump and leg. Positive cast model is used for lamination socket and orthesis. In the category Gypsum there are Plaster and chalk bandagees. Check category Resins and Lamination materials for the materials that you need after chalk cast on the stump, leg, arm and body. The resin that you choose depend on the raw material of lamination, on the product that you would build and on the process that you use. Check always technical schedule with quantity of hardener, of mix A+B, time of process and time post-curing and respect always all the safety requirements during the work with gloves, protective glasses and suits. We can support with choise and supply of product that you need with your best satisfaction. In this 18 years of company life we support all our customers of all the world. Check the other sections of composite materials (textile, braideed sleeves, band of carbon fiber, glass fiber and kevlar fiber) that you need for the lamination and check vacuum pump on section machinery and lamination tools on section tools. Contact us directly for all your request and clarification.
Code | Type | Weight | Quantity |
10.001.01.PG | very hard | 25 kg | 60 bags |
10.001.01.PGS | hard | 25 kg | 50 bags |
10.001.01.PGA | medium | 5 kg | 143 bags |