Stump shock absorber was insert in the socket and protects stump’s apex in the socket if there are volume stump’s different during the day. There are several sizes of stump shock absorber: extra small, small, medium , large, extra large, ultra large, ultra extra large.

Stump shock absorber must be  insert at the end of the socket and protects stump’s apex in the socket if there are volume stump’s different during the day or when there is a big  morphology variation of the stump during the day (in summer) . Material of stump shock absorber is silicone with low density and low shore to guarantee stump’s comfort. There are several sizes of stump shock absorber: extra small, small, medium , large, extra large, ultra large, ultra extra large.

Code Size Circumference of the stump
4.001.01.XS Extra Small < 14 cm
4.001.01.S Small 14-19 cm
4.001.01.M Medium 20-23 cm
4.001.01.L Large 24-27 cm
4.001.01.XL Extra Large 28-31 cm
4.001.01.XXL Ultra Large 32-35 cm
4.001.01.XXX Ultra Extra Large 36-38 cm

The patient can use patch in thermoplastic gel or distal cup to add stump’s protection, if dont would the stump shock absorber.